RSV Vaccine Age 18-49 At Risk

It’s a known fact that even young adults who get RSV and have an at risk condition, are at a greater risk of developing a serious illness potentially resulting in hospitalization. A vaccine for RSV is available in Ontario, but it is only covered by OHIP if you are in a long term care facility. If you would like to receive a vaccine against RSV, please review the requirements below to see if you qualify.

To Qualify for this Study, you must:

  • Participant is between 18 and 49 years of age at time of first visit.
  • Participant has an at risk condition. Examples of at risk conditions are asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD, kidney or liver problems, diabetes, and others

During the course of the trial, study participants will receive, at no cost:

  • Study related medical care
  • Electronic Diary *To be returned at end of study*
  • Study Vaccination (no placebo arm)
  • Compensation for travel

If you feel you may qualify, or would like more information regarding this trial, please contact the study team at (519) 659 – 4040,