E-coli Prevention & UTIs

E-coli is a bacteria that is commonly found in your lower intestines. Most e-coli strains are harmless, however, some strains can cause urinary tract infections (UITs) in humans. In this clinical trial, we are looking at a study medication and it’s ability to prevent E-coli disease in adults with a history of UITs.

To Qualify for this Study, you must:

  • ≥ 60 years of age at the time of the first visit.
  • Have a history or UTIs in the past 2 years

*** Participants with a history of chronic use of antimicrobial medications will be excluded from this study.***

During the course of the trial, study participants will receive, at no cost:

  • Study related medical care
  • Study Medication or Placebo
  • Compensation for travel

If you feel you may qualify, or would like more information regarding this trial, please contact the study team at (519) 659 – 4040